Tusonge’s New Ugandan Directors
‘Regan’ James Asiimwe
George Senkusu

Tusonge Ministries is excited to introduce everyone to our new Ugandan directors: Regan James Asiimwe (Regan) and George Senkusu.
These two gentlemen have been associated with and involved in Tusonge for many years and have shown their love for the children and devotion to the task of making sure each and every one of them receives an education. We have been truly blessed that they were willing and able to step into the directorship at a time when Tusonge was going through a difficult transition.
Our new directors, and new Tusonge house mother, would like to give everyone some of their own experiences and thoughts about their lives and what Tusonge has meant to them.

Regan James:
Regan says to all of you;
“It is our prayer as the Ugandan directors of the organization that the Lord blesses the works of your hands. The truth is, the magnitude of all the great things you have done in the lives of the children is unprecedented, we cannot even start to comprehend it. You are real heroes in their lives. With you in their lives they have learned what the true meaning of love is, they have grown closer to God in their lives as well as their hearts have been transformed by all these amazing things the donations you give have brought before us.”
Regan traveled with one of the choirs that toured the United States when he was young. He feels truly blessed to have been taken off of the streets and given an opportunity that not many in Uganda get to experience.
He continues:
“It is just breath taking for me to understand how any of you can wake up one day and decide to love us without having met us. I have been raised and supported by an organization as I went through school. I also found my passion towards people and, because of your generous and kind hearts, I have always wanted to pay all that you’ve done in my life forward. When the opportunity to serve and give back came knocking on my door, I was more than humbled.”
Regan started his own business after he finished school. He has a passion for, and is very good at, working on media projects, such as film making, story writing, and other multimedia tasks. He has customers that utilize his talents to help them make and promote their projects.
In his words:
“I am an enthusiast storyteller through all sorts of media such as filmmaking, writing scripts, and other projects, but being part of a child’s life story as they grow up is the greatest opportunity anyone can ever present to me. I take it so dearly at heart. Growing up I have always thought that if I wanted to make a difference in the world I had to do things that are grand, however, with such an example you set for us, I know that it doesn’t have to be massive, it just has to be from the heart. I know it is not easy to have to always take a portion of your heart and wealth to support us and that’s why I say that we shall do whatever it takes to make you all proud.”

George Senkusu:
George came to know Tusonge through another avenue…one of God’s moments. George works for a tour company and drives the vans that take tourists on safaris or any other transport they may need. Tusonge hired him as a driver in 2018 on one of the first team trips. He heard the stories and met some of the children in the organization. He was so moved and loved the children so much that he came to Tusonge’s house and witnessed the devotion and passion the children had toward God and life. He was hooked and has been the driver for all visitors and teams that have gone to Uganda supporting Tusonge.
George experienced the life of a poor child growing up in Uganda. He had to walk an hour to school each day and worked doing maintenance at the school to pay for his tuition. He did not have money to eat all day long and sometimes would stop by a friend’s house on the way home to get a snack and the energy to continue his walk back to his house.
Here are his words:
“My story is a bit different and long to tell. In a nut shell, I grew up on the streets of Uganda. Someone helped to put me in school and I discovered along the way that I was very passionate about tours and travel and seeing smiles on people’s faces who come from all over the world to visit Uganda. It just lifted my spirit and always made me think I was part of something great.”
George’s experience with being his own boss and managing his own money makes him a perfect fit for Tusonge. Tusonge provided him with a van a few years ago to provide income for the organization as well as support himself. The van has been used on many tours and, when not in use for tours, George is the local chauffeur for the Tusonge children and groups that come to visit these children. He has a deep passion for being involved and has helped us immensely during our transition.
George continues:
“I have worked in some other charity organizations as host among other things. This has given me experience on how to run things and there is no doubt in my mind that Tusonge will do great. I am honored to be a part of this life transforming experience and, to be fair, you have given these children the greatest wealth in the world, God, love and education. For all these wonderful things, I am sure that these children will do whatever it takes to pay your kindness forward in any form they can. I have no doubt that they will because they have grown to understand that they are very important to our generation and that this conviction will always compel us to be kind, loving and generous, like you have been towards us. All of this will happen and as it does, you should know that you have been the biggest part of all of it.”
George wants to close with this:
“There is just too much we need to say but we will have to stop here, our only request is for God to continue to bless your lives richly, may you live for so long and I hope that someday you get to witness the joy you have brought to us and the entire country at large. We will change the world and we shall pay your kindness and generosity forward. We love you always and pray for you daily.”
Ssenga is Tusonge’s new house mother. She stays at the Tusonge house when the kids are home on their breaks between school terms. She loves being with the kids and interacts with whatever activity the kids have going on in the house. Ssenga has 8 children of her own, 3 girls and 5 boys. The youngest is her 19 year old son, who still stays with her in her home. The oldest is her 35 yr old son.
Ssenga has worked very many jobs including sewing buttons on clothes for people, selling milk, and working in a restaurant. These are just a few of the jobs she has worked at to support herself and her family over the years.
During her journey she also worked in a school for 5 years dealing with both boys and girls. The school had both a primary section and a secondary section. These experiences have made her an ideal choice for being a house mother to the Tusonge kids.
Our Tusonge family has been very excited and blessed to have Ssenga join us and become part of our lives.